q&a with splidu’s co-founders

Meet the dynamic duo behind splidu: Kevin Vaz and Lars Leiendecker! Kevin, with his Goan roots and passion for food, and Lars, with his meticulous approach and adventurous spirit, are here to answer your burning questions about the birth of splidu. Combining their strengths, they've created a platform that brings together underground dining, private chef services, and exclusive events. Learn about their journey, the inspiration behind splidu, and their vision for connecting people through unforgettable culinary experiences.

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourselves.

Lars: I grew up in Germany and started my career in various finance roles for startups in Germany and Italy. In 2008, I made the exciting move to Dubai, where I worked in the defense and government sectors and ship supply, focusing on transformation and restructuring.

But after years in the corporate world, I was ready for a new adventure. That's when splidu was born. Embarking on this journey has been a thrilling ride, taking me out of my comfort zone and into something completely different and fun. It's been an amazing experience, diving into the dynamic and unpredictable world of a startup, and exploring new challenges and opportunities along the way.

Kevin: I grew up in humble upbringings in Kuwait and was always passionate about food – If you see me you will not believe me- it doesn’t show! Business always fascinated me.. a lot of people ask me why F&B as it is super competitive, difficult to make money and that I would make a lot more money channeling my efforts towards more opportune business ventures. But I’m convinced that F&B is in my blood. I come from a family of bakers – my grandad and his family had bakeries in Goa where I’m from. I grew up in Kuwait and my friends keep telling me that I’m not actually from Goa..

Q: How are your personalities both similar and different?

Lars: If you let me and Kevin put a piece of furniture from IKEA together, I would read the instructions twice, examine every detail, and even tally up the screws to avoid any surprises. It's all about being methodical and ensuring everything fits just right. Meanwhile, Kevin would dive in headfirst, excitement bubbling over, and start screwing pieces together without a second glance at the manual. Who needs instructions when you've got enthusiasm, right? But it’s just like salt and pepper, our differences add flavor to the mix. While I'm the methodical planner, Kevin brings the spontaneous energy. Together, we're the perfect seasoning for the splidu experience!

Kevin: I think we’re perfect opposites which come together to bring most things that a business needs to be successful. There is a grey area which we both are similar in. We were colleagues and then friends and when Lars was ready to hang his boots on the corporate world, we decided to partner to bring something exciting and unique to the market, starting off with Underground dining and then moving on from there.

Q: What’s the story behind why and how splidu was born?

Kevin: Lars was ready to quit corporate life and we caught up to brainstorm what we could potentially tag team and do together. The food truck business was a passion project and one that I didn’t want investment and/or support. We bounced different ideas which didn’t come to fruition and then out of no where, purely out of frustration in paying the bill a few times, came up with the idea of splidu. We wanted to build a tech platform where guests could transact seamlessly right up to paying the bills and most importantly splitting it easily. That’s how splidu was born. We didn’t want a name that would get watered down on the www and wanted a unique name that meant something to us and would stand out online. There started the long, complex journey of trying to come up with a name. By this time the concept of what we were trying to do evolved and we decided on starting off offering a platform to underground dnining/supper club chefs. But we still wanted to pay homage to the seed of the idea i.e. splitting bills and also to a place we truly call home Dubai. Therefore spli+du=splidu (all lower case btw!).

The decision to start off with underground dining was easy. I was frustrated with finding suppers, booking experiences, paying for them and then figuring out where to go, etc. Basically the transactional elements of an experience and Lars and I decided we will do something about it!

Q: What does splidu mean? Explain the thought process behind the brand name.

Lars: The name arrived based on our initial idea of a fully automated split bill functionality, hence "spli," paired with "Du," which pays homage to Dubai, our home for over 16 years. Our logo embodies the essence of connectivity, community-building, and leveraging technology to unite individuals – unlike other platforms that tend to isolate individuals.

Q: Tell us about your first supper club experience. Where was it, and what did you enjoy the most?

Lars: My initial supper club was with friends, which was fun, but not as thrilling as the real deal. The real excitement of a supper club comes from meeting strangers, swapping stories, and enjoying a homely meal together. My first official supper club was Italian-themed, and I absolutely loved the warm ambiance and mouthwatering dishes—it felt like a cozy culinary adventure!

Kevin: My first was Kuv’s Secret Suppers. I was invited by a vegan chef, Chef Shipra, as she thought I would enjoy such an experience. I never heard of these taking place around the country. Got sent a location 24 hours before the experience and rocked up at a random person’s home (now a friend, Hey Marisol!) and had the best time ever! The food, Chef Kuv’s passion and influence of how he went about curating the menu, etc. was just amazing. I never looked back. Have been going to his table ever since!

Q: How do you pick your hosts on the splidu platform?

Kevin: At splidu, our selection process for supper club hosts is as refined as our palates. We’ve attended countless suppers and, as a well-traveled team, we've developed a knack for identifying a top-notch experience. We seek hosts with unique culinary viewpoints, adding diversity and richness to our platform. Our goal is for guests to arrive as strangers and leave as friends, so we select hosts who excel at fostering inclusivity, connection, and comfort, ensuring every guest, regardless of their background, feels welcome and valued. We have high standards, and our hosts need to keep up with them, from small gestures of hospitality to making sure all our diverse guests feel comfy. By sticking to these criteria, we ensure that every splidu experience is exceptional.

Q: Mystery dining with strangers is not for everyone. It’s not a one-size-fits-all product. What bold statement is splidu trying to make and addressed to whom?

Lars: Mystery dining with strangers isn't for everyone, but at splidu, we're redefining the dining experience for those who crave adventure and connection. Our bold statement? Life should be endlessly delicious. We're targeting passionate food lovers and social adventurers who are excited to explore new tastes and make unforgettable memories with like-minded individuals. splidu is for those who see dining as an opportunity to connect, discover, and enjoy every moment.

Q: Many entrepreneurs quote ‘passion’ as the driving force behind their businesses. It ofcourse sounds more appealing and romantic than skills and viability tests but passion can’t be the only thing when livelihoods are at stake. What do you think is the driving force behind splidu?

Lars: While passion is essential at splidu, the real driving force behind splidu is our mission to bring people together and create a community where no one needs to be alone. In today’s world, this sense of connection is more important than ever. Our logo embodies this commitment, symbolizing unity and togetherness. We combine our love for unique dining experiences with cutting-edge technology to offer seamless, safe, and enjoyable adventures. By fostering connections and leveraging innovative solutions, we create an offering that not only stands out but also addresses a significant societal need.

Kevin: Resilience - Seeing things through past the 11th hour – people generally have great ideas but either quit in the 11th hour or don’t want to put the blood, sweat and tears in building something epic. To build something sustainable, you have to channel that so called passion into action and execution and get your hands dirty. And you’re going to face a million challenges, not sleep, figure out how to pay for stuff, lose and a million other challenges but how you feel the feels and come out of it fighting, is what is important!

Q: What do you think is the true cost of opportunities?

Lars: I believe the true cost of opportunities is more than just the effort we put in; it’s the emotional journey we embark on. Every opportunity asks us to give a part of ourselves, to take risks, and to step into the unknown. It means late nights, learning from failures, and sometimes facing fears. But it’s also about the joy of creating something new, the excitement of seeing our ideas come to life, and the connections we make along the way. The real cost is in the courage to keep going, even when it’s tough, and the passion to make a difference. These experiences shape us and make our journey so much more rewarding. The bonds we form, the smiles we share, and the memories we create are priceless. Embracing opportunities at splidu is about growing together and supporting each other.

Kevin: Good question – it’s the impact of choices that one needs to make in business and personal life in my opinion. People talk about balance. I don’t believe in balance to a great extent. I think it’s possible for people to achieve balance of sorts however in the truest sense, no successful person as traditionally defined has achieved success without compromising on some important elements in their life… personal relationships, health, psychological state, time, etc.

Q: What do you think is one of the biggest myths about entrepreneurship?

Lars: The biggest myth about entrepreneurship? That it's all glamour and success. In reality, it's a wild rollercoaster. When we started splidu, we faced endless challenges. Every setback? Another chance to learn and grow.

Entrepreneurship is about constant adaptation and believing in your dream, even when others doubt you. What keeps us going is the joy of small victories, the positive feedback from our customers, and the thrill of seeing our vision come alive. Our passion fuels us, making every hurdle worth it. This journey is tough, but it's what makes our story so rewarding and special.

Kevin: One of the biggest myths about entrepreneurship is that it's all about freedom and being your own boss. While it’s true that entrepreneurship offers a lot of independence, the reality is much more complex and often far from the glamorous image that’s portrayed.

Starting and running a business can be incredibly demanding. Entrepreneurs often work longer hours than they would in a traditional job, especially in the early stages. The responsibility of making critical decisions, managing finances, and ensuring the business’s survival can be quite stressful. There's also the misconception that success happens overnight, but most successful entrepreneurs will tell you that it takes years of hard work, persistence, and sometimes, numerous failures before achieving success.

Moreover, the freedom of being your own boss comes with the weight of having no one else to fall back on when things go wrong. There’s a significant emotional toll as well.. the highs are high, but the lows can be very low.

So, while entrepreneurship can indeed offer a level of freedom and the potential for great rewards, it’s important to recognize the hard work, dedication, and resilience it requires. It’s about finding a balance and being prepared for both the challenges and the rewards that come with creating and sustaining a business.

Q: ‘Every day I’m hustlin’. Is working more, working better?

Kevin: You need to work hard and smart and sometimes working more gets you a competitive edge in my opinion. You need to know when to stop and not get burn out.. Keep reflecting, that’s my strategy.

Q: These days, many growth centric companies are more obsessed about chasing new customer acquisition than retention. Thoughts on this and how does splidu balance the 2 as a start-up?

Lars: We believe that the best way to grow is through the retention of happy customers, not just one-time guests.

Word of mouth is incredibly important in our journey to grow the community. We strive to create memorable and engaging experiences that keep our customers coming back. By listening to their feedback and continuously improving our service, we build loyalty and foster a strong community.

Our strategy involves attracting new customers with innovative dining experiences while ensuring that our existing customers feel valued and appreciated. We focus on delivering exceptional value and personalized experiences, which naturally leads to positive word-of-mouth and organic growth. Balancing acquisition and retention allows us to grow sustainably while maintaining the quality and integrity of the splidu experience.

Q: What are your thoughts on competition?

Kevin: Competition is great. It keeps it exciting and real. It pushes you to be better/do better. I know people say compete against yourself but whilst that is true and creates focus and avoids distraction, both emotional and business, it also drives you to be better and do better everyday.. but never let it consume you!

Q: We all get mental blocks and get stuck. How do you get ‘unblocked’?

Lars: I find stepping away for a bit can clear my mind and spark new ideas. Talking things over with friends often brings fresh perspectives I hadn’t considered. Staying flexible and open to changing my approach is key; sometimes a different angle makes all the difference. These simple strategies—taking a break, seeking input, and staying adaptable—help me get unstuck and keep moving forward.

Kevin: Acceptance – acceptance that it is normal and that we will get mental blocks – don’t put pressure on yourself and/or give it power… Reflect, do something different and then come back to it!

Q: What do you think Dubai’s restaurant scene is lacking?

Lars: Dubai’s restaurant scene is amazing. Highlighting local dishes and ingredients, and sharing the stories behind the food, would make meals more special. I’d love to see more interactive experiences, a sense of excitement, and interactions that bring people together.

Q: Outside of suppers and splidu, what do you do for fun?

Lars: Outside of splidu, I love traveling. I spend a lot of time in the gym, always looking for new challenges to keep myself fit and motivated. Health and nutrition are exciting areas for me; I enjoy discovering new dietary trends. Trading crypto is another passion of mine, and it consumes a significant part of my day as I stay updated with market trends and strategies. These activities keep me engaged, excited, and constantly learning.

Kevin: I spend a lot of time with my pets, play basketball and do random fun activities with friends. I travel a lot with work and ensure that I have a nice time whilst traveling as well.