q&a with chefs cristina and giordana

Introducing Chefs Cristina and Giordana, the culinary tag team behind Napoli Napoli Supper Club, where Naples meets Dubai in the most delicious way possible. With Cristina’s serious chef chops and Giordana’s kitchen prowess from years of cooking for friends, these two are like the Batman and Robin of Italian cuisine—minus the capes, but with extra pasta, and ofcourse with tiramisu for dessert. Together, they’re reviving Neapolitan traditions one dish at a time.

Q: Tell us a little bit about yourselves and what inspired you to become chefs?

Giordana has been cooking for friends as a passionate home cook since her twenties, honing her skills in every place she's lived and traveled. Cristina, on the other hand, brings professional experience from restaurants, catering, and private chef roles. Together, we're dedicated to elevating Naples' culinary reputation and sharing our love for its rich food culture and heritage. We work tirelessly to promote the city’s vibrant history through our cooking. Our culinary education? It comes straight from the heart, drawing inspiration from the traditions of Professor Mamma Iole and Dean Nonna Angelina, blending homey Neapolitan flavors with a genuine, heartfelt touch.

Q: What’s one thing people might be surprised to learn about you both?

One surprising fact about us is that we've been friends for less than a year, having reconnected when Cristina moved to Dubai last November. Despite this, our bond is deep-rooted; I recall knowing Cristina even before she was born, as I remember her mother carrying her in the womb. Our families have a long history, with my dad and her grandfather being longtime friends, and we both spent our summers in a summer vacation compound  in Ischia, a gorgeous island in the gulf of Naples.

Q: Could you paint a picture of a traditional Italian dinner at home? Who usually takes charge in the kitchen? What’s typically served as an appetizer, and which dishes are always present on the table? Are there any specific traditions or etiquette that are uniquely Italian? And of course, is there always coffee to wrap up the meal?

Giordana: At  home, my mum reigns supreme in the kitchen. While she prefers to keep things simple, her pasta alla puttanesca, lasagne, polpette, and cotolette are truly exceptional. As children, we were always expected to have dinner together at home, waiting for the last sibling to arrive before we started. Our table was often overflowing with friends and partners, reflecting the warmth and inclusiveness of Italian dining. Italian dinners are leisurely affairs, stretching over several hours, focused not just on the food but on enjoying lively conversations. Ending the meal with coffee is essential—typically brewed in a moka pot, as nespresso is rarely used.

Q: Pasta is a star on your menu! What’s one thing you often see people getting wrong when cooking pasta, and how would you set them straight?

Pasta is definitely a highlight of our menu! One common mistake people make is overcooking it or adding too many sauces and ingredients. Italian cuisine values simplicity; we have never seen burrata on pasta in Italy! Also, after draining the pasta, it's crucial to mix it directly into the sauce rather than just layering the sauce on top. This helps the pasta absorb the flavors and ensures a more harmonious dish.

Q: Is there an Italian ingredient you swear by that just can't be matched locally, no matter how hard you try? What’s that one thing you always import from the motherland?

One Italian ingredient that's impossible to replicate locally, no matter the effort, is mozzarella di bufala. Even sourcing it fresh from just a few kilometers outside Naples can be a challenge, so you can imagine how difficult it is to find here. We always bring it from Italy, but it must be consumed within 24 hours to enjoy its true quality.

Q: If you had to pick a national Italian meal that every person should know about, which would you pick and why?

If we had to choose a national Italian meal that everyone should know about, it would be Spaghetti alla Nerano. This dish, which hails from the Amalfi Coast, features spaghetti with zucchini, parmesan, provolone and basil.. It's a wonderful example of how simple ingredients can come together to create something truly delicious.. Despite its regional origins, Spaghetti alla Nerano beautifully represents the essence of Italian cuisine: simplicity, quality, and flavor.

Q: What’s your favorite dessert?

Tiramisu, Tiramisu and Tiramisu.

Q: What’s the most unusual food you’ve ever tried, and your thoughts?  

Cristina: The most unusual food I’ve ever tried was Casu Marzu, a fermented cheese from Sardinia made with live larvae. I was encouraged to try it at local friend’s place, found the taste to be not bad, but the idea of eating larvae was a bit off-putting.

Giordana, the pickier of the two, admits that although she is curious about many things, she draws the line at more extreme fare. Her culinary curiosity has its limits, preferring to stay within more familiar and less daunting territory.

Q: What’s that one dish that always tastes fabulous at a restaurant but never quite hits the mark at home? 

The one dish that always tastes fabulous at a restaurant but never quite hits the mark at home is ossobuco with saffron risotto. The rich, braised veal shanks paired with saffron-infused risotto are often a restaurant specialty, where the expertise and equipment make a significant difference.

Q: Is there a secret playlist that fuels your kitchen creativity? What tunes are on repeat while you’re slicing and dicing in the kitchen?

We frequently play the latest Neapolitan sounds, and Tropico is a standout favorite of ours. Along with that of Nu Genea, Geolier, and Napoleone, truly inspires our creativity. We also love Cesare Cremonini,  the timeless music of Lucio Dalla and the legendary Pino Daniele, whose songs continue to echo in every Neapolitan home.

Q: What’s one piece of advice you would give to someone aspiring to be a chef that you wish you’d known?

One piece of advice we’d give to aspiring chefs is to cherish and preserve family recipes—they're the perfect foundation for your culinary journey. These treasured recipes offer a solid starting point that you can build upon, enhancing them with your own creativity and flair. Embracing the roots of traditional cooking while adding your personal touch can lead to truly exceptional and unique dishes.

Q: What’s your favorite dine-in spot in Dubai?

We have a few favorites that we absolutely love. Mediterranean spots like Bungalo34 and Loren are top choices, along with Luna Rossa, which serves the best pizza in Dubai. We also enjoy Hugo’s for its Argentine grill and Monno for a laid-back Italian dining experience.


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